scientific Sessions

Case Management Nursing and Public Health Nursing

Case managers in nursing are highly skilled specialists whose primary role is to aid patients in finding essential services and healthcare professionals to promote their overall health conditions. They utilize their medical expertise to schedule appointments, making sure healthcare services are accessible to the patient. Providing the best care possible within each client's specific circumstances is the priority for nurse case managers.

Public health nursing is a discipline that combines public health and nursing. General, social, and nursing sciences are used to enhance population health. Public health specialists collaborate with local communities to track needs, provide treatment and education, and push for positive changes. The primary goal is to enhance population health on a worldwide scale.

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Midwifery and Women Health
Nursing and Healthcare
Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health Nursing
Community Nursing and Home Health Nursing
Emergency Nursing and Ambulatory Care Nursing
Clinical Nursing and Medical Surgical Nursing
Nursing Teaching and Nursing Management
Evidence Based Nursing Practice
Advanced Nursing Practices during Pandemic
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